PROJECT HONEY POT ADDRESS DISTRIBUTION SCRIPT Congratulations! You've successfully begun the process of installing a Project Honey Pot address distribution script on your website. Through this script we hand out honey pot addresses and track the spammers who abuse them. The next step is to install this script on your web server. The following instructions are provided to help you with this process. They have been written to apply to many cases, but not all. If you have questions, or these instructions do not seem to apply in your case, you should check with your website administrator. ------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- STEP 1: LOCATE THE SCRIPT Locate the copy of the script included in the downloaded file. In your case, the script is named: subsidiary.php STEP 2: COPY IT TO THE CORRECT LOCATION Copy the script into your web server's html folder. On most Unix/Linux systems this folder will be called: htdocs/ or www/ If you do not know where your html folder is located, ask your web server administrator. Ensure when you copy the script you do not change its name or otherwise modify it. You may install the script in any folder that is accessible over the web. For example: htdocs/folder1/folder2/ STEP 3: SET THE PERMISSIONS On most systems, in order for the script to execute its permissions must be set correctly. On Unix/Linux systems you can set the scripts' permissions with the following command: chmod 644 subsidiary.php STEP 4: INSTALL PHP The script requires your webserver to run PHP. If it has not already been installed you will need to install it. You may download the latest version of PHP from following website: Installation instructions can be found here: STEP 5: VISIT THE SCRIPT Once you've installed the script on your web server you need to access it. Open a web browser and type in the URL of your web site followed by the path to the script. For example, if you installed your script inside 'folder1/folder2/', access the script like so: If installed correctly, you will see instructions on how to finalize the installation. --------------- TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- PHP INSTALLATION In order for the script to work, you must install PHP. If you have not already installed PHP, you can get the latest version and instructions on how to install it, from: PHP works well with the Apache Web Server: WEB SERVER CONFIGURATION You need to make certain your web server software is able to execute PHP scripts. Follow the instructions provided with your web server software in order to ensure it is set up correctly to do this. SCRIPT CHANGES The script will not execute correctly if you change its name or any of its contents. You should return to the Project Honey Pot site and download a new copy of the script if you modified it in any way.